Monday, June 15, 2009

A venting post.....

Today has been rather difficult as a culmination of things have been on my mind. For my sanity I just need to vent and let my emotions go.

#1 Today my father in law collapsed and has been in the ER all day getting tests done. He also has a tumor, making the situation even more scary. I have been worried about him all day. He is still really his 40's.

#2 We have slightly less than two weeks before judgement day comes and David either keeps his job or loses it. This is resting on his ability to get 90 solutions (people opening savings/checkings/debit card/credit card) within a period or approximately three months time. He has around 70 right do the math. We've been praying for miracles to intercede on our behalf, which is really what its going to take to save his job.

#3 I don't technically have a job this summer, which means we are losing a BIG chunk of our savings this summer in order to make things work. My small wages of 120$ every two weeks doesn't cut it.

#4 Family.....need I say more

Now, I know this seems small, but I am at breaking point almost. You see, a few weeks ago on the last day of my research methods, again when I had just about had it, my professor (bless her heart) stood up before out final exam and said (in words close to these) "Now, I usually have grad students at my door crying the last few weeks of class. I want you to know that you guys are special. When we considered your applicants we looked for the cream of the crop....and we selected you because you were the very best and the very brightest. We knew we could pretty much push you to your limits and you would still succeed".

Those of you that are willing please send a prayer on behalf of the Bunzell family, both mine and my in-laws. We need a few miracles :)


Telsha Winger & fam said...

Hang in there girl. I'm sorry to hear your having a rough time. We will definitely be sending prayers your way. You will get through this. Heavenly Father knows you are strong enough for this. Love ya and good luck!

Tay said...

Wow - that all sounds so terribly intense! I hope things start looking more up for you guys. Yes, prayers are in order and coming! :) You can make it!

Kami Milliron said...

Wow, jobs are such a tough thing right now. Tyler is in jeopordy of losing his too. The company he works for could be liquidated in about 4 months. We are waiting to hear. So stressful !

I hope everything starts going well and that the Lord starts pouring blessings on your family. We will remember you in our prayers.

Jill Bienz said...

We're praying for you and your family! I hope everything works out.

April Hardy said...

Wow. Sorry Lynnette! It will get better...I promise. When it rains it pours huh? The Lord must have something wonderful in store for you, to have you go through so much in such a short period of time. You guys are definitely in our prayers. If you need anything let me know! (if you have to go a tighter budget this summer I am really good at couponing and save us lots of money every month...check out my other blog can help you out if needs be!)

Kristi said...

It sounds like life is really stressful for you. I will keep you in my prayers and of course my uncle, too.

Jackalopes Archery LLC said...

Ah...don't worry about me...I'm to mean to die just yet.
Big fish to fry before I die!!!

Just a way for the Lord to keep me in check and get me back on my feet as they say.

I'll be good as new. That wonderful husband gives good Priesthood Blessings. I have faith in him and his worthiness.
