Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lake Trip

David and I got to go up to Canyon Lake yesterday with David's sister Rosalee and her boyfriend Jake (who owned the boat) and David's cousin Esther and her husband Justin. Justin and Esther were the first to try out the kneeboard and they had no idea how to do it. Esther caught on and was able to stay on for awhile, but Justin pushed himself on the board sideways and kept getting thrown off. Rosalee and David then went together and the two were pretty impressive and both stayed on for a really long time. Rose told me I was next and I kept saying " No, no no, someone else can go". But David was still in the water waiting for me so I made myself go and try to learn. I was amazed that after I few tries I was able to get up (even though I didn't stay on as long as him and Rose). I kept telling David "I can't do it!" and he said if you say that one more time I'm gonna push you off! :) So I made myself believe I could do it and below is a shot of the outcome. I'm very proud of myself despite the terrified look on my face.

I told David that I'm one of those people that you have the MAKE me do something I don't want to 95% of the time when I'm trying new things before I will do it---and the majority of the time, I find that I really like doing those thing. I am not a risk taker by any means.

David also went wakeboarding and I was suprised just how GOOD he was---good at the sport and good looking as he withstood all the crashing waves around him.


Unknown said...

Thats Awesome! I had a really hard time getting up on the knee board my first time too, and I haven't gone in eight years so It probably be really hard again

Tay said...

yeah, i was totally freaked out, but at a certain point i stopped caring because i was just ready and the pain didnt matter anymore. :) I hope you feel the same way when it comes down to it.