Again this year we missed going up to the snow with David's family because David was working, and I.....didn't want to go by myself :( We mentioned our wanting to go to the snow with my brother since we went with him last year and soon plans were made-December 31st was the day that became our fun snow trip with my family. Driving up we saw very little snow and it was around 51 degrees so I was afraid that all of it had melted. Luckily the place we usually go to was still covered in snow and so many people were there sledding and we joined in on the fun. Below are some pictures of adventure. The ones with my mom and sisters in them are so funny, mostly because they used a deflated air mattress along with a foam mattress cover (that people use while camping) and that was their sled. It worked out great but they ended up falling over quite a bit.
On another note, David and I have been praying as to whether or not we should stay in our apartment another year. Our lease ends in May and it would be wonderful to find an affordable two bedroom apartment/condo/townhouse not too far from where we are. If you hear of anything in East..east...Mesa or in Gilbert thats under 720$ a month please let us know :)
My niece Kiara making a snow angel
Stacey and David getting himself out of the sled
My sisters and mom squished in the middle (told you they are funny to see!)
My brother, Kiara, and sister in law Jessica with their Russian Snowman
David poking out of the window of the snow fort we built
Above is my mom, Kiara, and Stacey with the snowman they built, below is my family huddled in the half-built fort. We couldn't finish it because it took over an hour to make the little bit that we did.