So much has happened over the last two weeks that i'm going to have to make two posts in order to fit all the pictures on here that I want. Last week of course was Christmas. Like usual, David and I spent the morning together, then went to my parents around 8a.m. and opened a ton of presents from my side of the family and then went to David's parents house for more presents and games. This year, there wasn't anything huge that I was hoping to get. I had wanted a kitchen aid but told David not to get one for me. We then contemplated getting a new t.v., but again I told him to hold off because it wasn't a necessity. So many of my family members including those on my husbands side, and my husband, were so generous and put so much talent and love into the gifts they bought me. Thank you to all of those who brought magic again into my Christmas and suprised me with things that I never asked for but made my Christmas amazing. Below are some, but not all of the favorites that I recieved:
David suprised me with a beautiful Diamond necklace. organizer so I can get rid of some of the boxes in our apartment
My wonderful mother and mother-in-law bought a BOSCH and ice cream maker--boy was I shocked to get both of these because they were something I have wanted to badly but never thought I get for a few years! Thanks moms!
My ever so talented sister-in law Fawn (yes thats you :)) spent the last creating a masterpiece stocking for me. It is absolutely beautiful and something I treasure, thank you!